You can wear whatever you'd like for your tan. I provide disposable undergarments which consists of a tube top and a thong, but if you are not comfortable with the disposables you can wear a bra/sports bra and underwear/bikini bottoms with thinner straps. You can also choose to wear a one piece bathing suit or your birthday suit! The tanning solution will wash out of anything you wear. Before you change we will talk about which of the two Sjolie RAPID Solutions you would like me to use.
After giving you privacy to change, we will practice the 5 moves you will be doing. Then I will spray you with the Sjolie pH Balancer Prep spray which is applied just like the solution. The Prep Spray is a moisture-enhancing astringent that combats fading, patchy development, and discoloration. While your Prep Spray is drying, I will apply the Sjolie Barrier Cream to the palms of your hands, knuckles, elbows, knees, and around the bottoms of your feet. The Barrier Cream is a hydrating formula that prevents tan development on unwanted areas. Now it's time for your color!
I will spray you with the Sjolie RAPID tanning solution just like I did the pH Balancer Prep spray. When I am done spraying you with the solution, I will wipe off the Barrier Cream as it is pretty thick so the solution will not go through it. I will also use a Blending Brush on your wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles. Lastly, I will give you privacy to stand in front of the fan to dry and get dressed.
Your tan will develop in 2-5 hours: 2 hours=light tan, 3 hours=medium tan, 4 hours=dark tan and 5 hours=extra dark. You do not want to keep the solution on for more than 5 hours without rinsing off because it will over develop and your tan could turn blotchy. When your time is up, or you get to a color you like, you will rinse off in the shower with water ONLY. You will see a bit of color rinse off in the drain but that is just the bronzer, not the tanning solution.
The color will slightly continue to develop until you can shower the next day. When you shower the next day you can use all of your products and you can shave with a razor. As long as you do not exfoliate or use a rough sponge/washcloth, PAT DRY, and use lotion daily, your tan can last up to 12 days!